We forecasted less than 50 deals for 2020 and in September, we are already above 90. The ROI? Our Average ARR is about 4-5€k. We generated almost 50% more clients within 5 months with ComX to the first 5 months without ComX. You can do the maths. When we came up with the new B2B offer we started canvas calling with 20,000 accounts. It was not feasible. We started with ComX in order to avoid the classical traps of manual work for our sales team. Now our sales team has a really simple job in generating new clients. The targeting especially in Switzerland worked very well. The subcategories and different pieces of content allowed us to do very granular targeting. We now had a door opener and could speed up the sales process a lot. Since we are a platform product, we need to onboard a lot of customers fast. We generated almost 50% more clients within 5 months with ComX to the first 5 months without ComX.
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