Übernimm volle Verantwortung für ein hochgradig skalierbares, datengesteuertes Produkt ohne gleichzeitig deine Work-Life-Balance zu vernachlässigen.

Vielen Dank für Dein Interesse an einer Stelle in unserem Engineering-Team.

Bitte schau Dir das Video vollständig an. Darin werden alle Einzelheiten über die Rolle, das Unternehmen und Dein Wachstumspotenzial erläutert.

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Engineering at ComX - Unser Team

Meet Sergio

Sergio is a technical product manager at ComX.io. In this video he tells about his journey at ComX, why he joined and how it has been a life-changing experience for him.  ComX is enabling SMEs to solve their B2B sales problems. As Europe's largest end-to-end provider we move B2B companies onto the next level of sales.

Meet Omid!

Omid is head of engineering at ComX.io. In this video he tells about his journey at ComX.  

Meet Pete!

Pete is Co-Founder and CTO at ComX.io. In this video he tells about the journey of ComX, and how it has been a life-changing experience for him.  

Meet Marcus!

Marcus is product manager at ComX.io. In this video he tells about his journey at ComX, how he manages the golden triangle.

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