Meet Sergio!

Sergio is a technical product manager at In this video he tells about his journey at ComX, why he joined and how it has been a life-changing experience for him. ComX is enabling SMEs to solve their B2B sales problems. As Europe's largest end-to-end provider we move B2B companies onto the next level of sales.

Meet Sergio!

veröffentlicht am 
April 29, 2023

Sergio is a technical product manager at In this video he tells about his journey at ComX, why he joined and how it has been a life-changing experience for him.


Sergio is a technical product manager at In this video he tells about his journey at ComX, why he joined and how it has been a life-changing experience for him. ComX is enabling SMEs to solve their B2B sales problems. As Europe's largest end-to-end provider we move B2B companies onto the next level of sales.

Wann lösen wir Dein Vertriebsproblem?

Klicke auf "Fill out quiz", um herauszufinden, ob dies auch für dein B2B-Geschäft möglich ist.

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Wann lösen wir Dein Vertriebsproblem?

Klicke auf "Fill out quiz", um herauszufinden, ob dies auch für dein B2B-Geschäft möglich ist.

Fill out quiz