Ajit Gopalakrishnan Odin Educatin at Jendamark

Ajit was trying to find more leads for their digital manufacturing solution using methods "all over the shelf". "We were changing our product for our clients instead of finding customers who need our product." In 5 month he built a solid process that generates leads for his team and can now focus on reducing deal cycles.

Ajit Gopalakrishnan Odin Educatin at Jendamark

veröffentlicht am 
April 29, 2023

Ajit was trying to find more leads for their digital manufacturing solution using methods "all over the shelf". In 5 month he built a solid process that generates leads for his team and can now focus on reducing deal cycles.‍


Ajit was trying to find more leads for their digital manufacturing solution using methods "all over the shelf". "We were changing our product for our clients instead of finding customers who need our product." In 5 month he built a solid process that generates leads for his team and can now focus on reducing deal cycles.

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